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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Back from Vacation ~ W6D1 Repeat

Since I was a slacker on vacation and didn't feel the workouts went great right before vacation, I repeated Week 6. I did the workout last night on the elliptical. Running with a resistance of 1 and walking to a resistance of 8. I gotta say it felt great to get back on there and workout. I was very active during vacation (mountain hikes, lots of walking, tubing, etc), however didn't really run. So this was a nice change of pace and seemed to get me out of the workout funk I had just before vacation. I burned around 400 calories (maybe more.. I know it was at least 400 but having issues recalling the exact amount).

After that I started the 200 situps workout (I apologize I read this one someones blog that I am following and can't remember who... so Thanks for the idea..). I did the test and did 70 some situps, then rested for a bit and did the first days workout. This morning I did the second days workout. I will probably repeat the second days workout tonight. I am going to try and stick to doing this daily or a couple times a day... I have made a bet with a friend ... we are now seeing who can get a 6-pack first... Please any tips and advice is greatly appreciated. I want to win this bet. We both have a long way to go... however I need all the advice I can get in order to win...

Last night I also started the 30 day shred workout by Jillian Michaels. I was actually starting to wear down at this point, but figured I would try to get through it just to see what it was all about. I think I did about half of it, before my legs were saying .. no thanks we are done. I however do like the style and how she mixes it up. So I think I will try to do this a lil more often as filler here and there. May not do the full workout, but at least part of a workout each day.

I know this probably sounds like a lot, and that I am going to get burnt out. However I am heading home to the parents for the weekend so I wanted to get them all started so I can see what I like and don't like. I am definitely sticking with the 200 situps workout. It is fairly quick to complete and I can do it a couple times a day. The 30 day shred, I am thinking as filler on my off days from the c25k. However, just couldn't wait to start it.

Surprisingly today I am not sore. Well a lil here and there, but nothing like I thought I would be. The abs is the one area where I can feel soreness today, but overall it isn't too bad.

Now on to some other good news, I was worried about weighing myself last night. I didn't exactly eat healthy while on vacation, so I was nervous. After going back and forth, I figured I needed to hop on and see where I stood.. Well surprise surprise, I dropped 4 more lbs. Now I am down to 163ish. I also bought new pants on vacation, I am down to a 14. I was super stoked about this. The only reason I bought new pants was because we were in an outlet mall and they were cheap. Figured it was a good present to myself.


  1. Hmmm, a 6-pack sounds nice. Right now, I've got a keg. Congrats on your progress!!

  2. Sounds like you have plenty of variation to keep from getting bored! Congrats on the size smaller pants, that always feels so amazing! I just went shopping the other day and I'm still not used to looking for mediums at all and the larges are too big!


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  5. Ack! Sorry, Lynz! It kept telling me it couldn't post it due to an error so I kept trying. Apparently, it lied. Oops!

  6. Nicky, I totally understand what you mean when you say you are not used to looking for one size... I am in a large in Womens tops, I have broad shoulders and even at my skinniest would never fit into a medium. Before this weightloss adventure I was in 2X in some tops and an XL in others. It was like a habit to look for those sizes on my trip... Jeans though that was a whole new ball game... I have 17's that I had been wearing with a belt of course. I knew I wasn't needing that size, but not a clue how small to go. 14's were comfortable and well 12 I think I will hit that size soon they just weren't quite comfortable when I tried them on...

    I am starting to like this whole shopping thing. It is a lil better when you get to look for smaller sizes.. HAHA... I SWEAR there is cuter stuff in the smaller sizes..
