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Monday, October 25, 2010

More running.. some with a weighted vest .. some without... boy this is getting interesting.

So I caved and bought a weighted vest. Just a 20lb one, adjustable though down to 5 lbs. But lets face it, I am way too lazy to adjust it down to 5 lbs, so it shall stay at 20 lbs. The first few days, I just walked with it on. Roughly a mile each day at a pace of about 3 mph. I really didn't want to push it and get hurt. So I slowly worked into it. Then I decided I would lightly jog in it. I jogged a mile in 12 minutes with it on. I thought this was mildly impressive, however I was not pushing it. The vest is as tight as it goes, however is still a lil loose on me. So when I run it kind of moves around, making it a bit more difficult to run. So now 3 or 4 times a week, I run a mile with the vest on. I will also just wear it around the house when I am cleaning and such as it tends to add a bit resistance and has helped build some strength.

Also, in randomness, I have realized I never really timed myself running a 5k. I usually just run for a time and report back my distance. So yesterday I decided to run a 5k and see my time. It was 30 minutes and 47 seconds. I was okay with this, however had a few holdups. I couldn't really find my rhythm and settle into the run. For that reason, I decided to redo the run today. Slightly different route, however same distance 5k. I managed to run it today in 29 minutes and 45 seconds.

I am also possibly planning on registering for a 5k jingle bell run on 12/04. I am kind of waiting to see how cold it is going to be. Due to asthma, extreme cold conditions suck, however if it is "decent" out, I will be running. I can't wait!...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Weighted Running Vest? ~ Opinions???

Well I have been researching weighted running vests to use during some of my shorter more manageable runs. They have them in adjustable weight and I hear it is a good way to build up your strength and endurance.

I was curious does anyone have personal experience? Are they good or bad? Is it difficult to get used to? What things should I look at when buying one?

Running.. running... and more running

So I have been playing around with interval training and just running in general. I did a workout the other day that consisted of a 5 minute warm up walk (.25 miles), then run .25 mile, walk .1 mile, repeat till tired then do a 5 minute cool down (.25 miles). I figured this approach would help build up some stamina. The first day it went smoothly, the next day I was sluggish. However I definitely like this as a possible running workout. It is a change of pace and something different.

The other day I did a 5 minute warm up walk (.25 miles), then took off running (walked a few short distances in the middle), and then a 5 minute cool off walk (.25 miles). I did 5.6 miles in 64 minutes. This was a grand accomplishment. Sure I would love to run the whole thing, however I really didn't walk too much so I consider this a success. Going to work to get this time a little quicker, however I never even thought it was possible to do, so I am very happy with where this is at.

Lately I have been managing 5 runs a week, sometimes 6. The cooler weather has really helped out and made the runs "easier" or at least more manageable. There is less mental work required with the cooler weather for whatever reason.