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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Progress.... and injury :-(

WOOT! I am now down to 145.... Over 40 pounds lost since Jan... that shockingly fabulous. I still have a bit to go. I am starting to get toned up.. My legs are awesome from all the running..

I have shortened my runs a bit. My body was taking a beating. Right now my left hamstring is tender and sore, so I am kind of holding off. I hit the elliptical, walking only to kind of stretch it out. It seems to be helping. I am not sure if I just got a horrible charlie horse or if I pulled it. It was a slow progression. First it was just a twinge of pain occasionally. Then it worked up to needing extra stretching or I just couldn't get a good stride. Finally, it hit to where I felt I needed to slow it down. It seems to be enjoying a couple days of light workouts, however there is still obvious pain there. I really don't want to go to the doctor, so I am trying to wait it out.

With the said hamstring being a bit of a pain in the butt, I also stopped the workout DVDs. I am just hoping I won't loose all my progress by taking some time off. However I know long term wise, it is better to let the leg heal and get 100% before proceeding.

Likely will be walking only through the weekend.. will update next week to let you know how it feels....


  1. Forty pounds? Like, four-zero? I've lost maybe barely over twenty. Then again, I ate a seventeen-thousand calorie lunch today, so I've got no one to blame except myself. Heal up quick, Lynz!

  2. LOL yes yes it is forty as in 4-0... It was hard work, but I have slimmed down. There for awhile I was literally running/walking 6 to 8 miles a day (some in the morning some in the evening)... then on top of that biking or doing p90x. If I didn't loose some weight I would have been ashamed....

    Thanks for the message. It is always nice to hear from you!
