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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Update since I am slacking on the blog...

I have been totally slacking with the blogging... I'm sorry. :-)

For the most part, I have been exercising daily and have been enjoying myself. I have been going for runs later in the evening (after 8 pm). We had morning showers on and off for the past two weeks, so that put a damper on my morning runs. I have gotten in the habit of running hard for 8 minutes, walking for 2, run, walk, etc. This seems to be a good balance for me. I get mind numbing bored with a 45 minute run. I can do it, its just boring. Lol… I have tried music, downloading a tv program to listen to, increasing the amount of times the tracking program talks to, and running the trails. For me, 20 minutes passes quickly and I am doing fantastically…. 25 minutes I am bored. The running form is still going good, I just am bored with it.

My quickest mile now has been 9 minutes flat. I was really happy with this pace, however I can not maintain it for very long ;)

When I alternate, it breaks it up and I actually end up running more (go figure). Last night I was out for 1 hour and 45 minutes. Though I did end with a 15 minute walk…… my hamstring got tight and I wanted to walk it off.

I have continued mixing in p90x and insanity workouts. They are getting “easier”, though don’t let that fool you. They are still extremely challenging. I am actually liking the insanity workouts a ton better than the p90x ones. Insanity is more cardio intensive and there is less lollygagging. Hard to explain but I think Tony Horton is a goof and spends too much time joking around etc. His moves are also a little more complicated at times, so I sit there needing to watch it a few times before I can workout. This drops my heart rate and I get frustrated with it. Insanity (Shaun T) is continuous and extremely fast paced. However for the most part the exercises are fairly straight forward and I am able to do them. I have had to modify a couple of them due to bad knees, however am still seeing results and overall happy with it.

Weight wise I have dropped to 150 lbs and have been holding steady there. I am extremely proud of this accomplishment. I honestly can’t remember the last time I weighed this “little”. I am now in unchartered territory. The drop has slowed a bit, but the overall trend has continued to go downwards. I have hit one of my goals. That pair of skinny jeans I had, well they are now hanging off of me. I love the fact this has happened, however I am really getting tired of shopping .. HAHAH

Another thing I have recently found is Special K protein shakes. I hate strawberry in anything, so I haven’t tried that flavor. The milk chocolate I am kind of on the fence with. I drank one loved it, drank another and it had a bitter flavor to it. I finished the 4-pack and likely won’t buy any more. My favorite by far is the French vanilla. I have been having one first thing in the morning for the past few weeks. I have never been a breakfast person. I will literally force myself to have a granola bar and am good till around 10:30 or 11. Then I go to lunch. So instead of a granola bar, I started having a shake. It seems to work just as well, and I am happy to drink that than force down any food.

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