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Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This morning I finished the last scheduled run of the C25k. I think I will just continue running around 30 minutes each morning. This is just enough to get me up and moving of a morning and my knees have adjusted to it well. Once I am able to pick up some speed, I will likely slowly increase the time running. I would like to be able to do about 3.5 miles in 30 minutes... That is at least the goal to work towards now. The first goal was to just finish the c25k without dying.. and well I can now say "MISSION COMPLETE"...


  1. Congrats! That's amazing! Wooo!

    We just started running in the am (6am) and I think it's really going to help. IT's nice getting it "out of the way" early and to get up and get moving.

  2. Thanks!!

    I have been so much successful when I run early in the morning. It is also a lot cooler and usually less muggy (at least here it is).

  3. Awesome work Lynz!! Your comments really helped me through C25K, and I'm so glad that you've gone and graduated. What is your 5K time these days?

  4. I am sitting right around 30 minutes 30 seconds for the 5k... I only run that once a week now, the rest of the time I do more sprint work and intervals. I am hoping that will help increase my speed.
