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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Humidity SUCKS!!!!

Okay this horrible humidity is REALLY killing my time/distance in running. I just flat out can't breathe. I have managed to run/walk for at least 30minutes each day, however my pace has really taken a hit. I am running around a 10.5 or 11 minute mile. I was getting as good as 9 at one point, however just can't get that with the humidity.

I have found there is a chest strap I can order to make my droid phone a heart rate monitor.. :-). Yep you guessed it, I ordered it. WOO HOO .. my phone is just so cool.

Still working on p90 and insanity on and off throughout the week. I can breathe during this, but my house is like 58 degrees so it is nice and cool. My lungs LOVE it... hahah

I have started looking at some treadmills... Anyone have suggestions??? I am in no rush.. I want it for this coming winter.. Ya I plan ahead... WAYYYYY ahead. However was hoping to get an idea of what I like/want/need and watch for it to go on sale somewhere.


  1. Awesome call on the HR belt and I totally feel you about the humidity killing your running--I've actually had to stop a few times. Ick!

  2. I'm in the same boat folks. With a cold on top of it. In April and May, I could peel off 6-8 miles. Now, three & change feels epic. I may have to arrange for business travel to the left coast.
