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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

W6D2 and I am drained.....

For the first time since starting the program, I am actually drained. I did W6D2 last night and this morning, I am totally dragging. I have some tightness in my legs. The workout was okay. I still burned over 400 calories, however W6D1 felt like a better workout. I struggled through the last 5 minutes of the run last night and couldn't wait to sit down and relax. Not sure what the deal is. Could be a combination of the weather (rainy and dreary here), my schedule this week, and lack of sleep... I am hoping W6D3 does a bit better... I may actually repeat week 6 while on vacation. I really don't like the way last night's workout went. Could just be in a funk... only time will tell.

I also seemed to have plateaued as far as weight loss.. I am holding steady at 168. I am guessing the last bit is going to be the tough pounds to loose. Not really frustrated with this just yet. I am still getting more toned and as they say muscle weighs more than fat, so I think I have just hit the trade off point.

I did however go on a bit of a shopping spree.. Needed a couple new shirts, I was starting to swim in my old ones. I tend to buy baggier clothes and loosing 15 lbs made them a bit too baggy. Anyway, my ultimate hatred is shopping for clothes. I don't mind shopping for anything else, but hate shopping for clothes. So I went to target and kohls, found a couple tops. Came home, went online, and proceeded to order one of almost every color in the same styles. So for now I should be set on shirts.... Pants.. I really should buy new, but for now I am settling with a belt. .. HAHA


  1. Kudos on the shopping spree! Despite your dislike for shopping, you had to admit that it feels really good getting down to those smaller sizes! :) Sometimes I get bummed when I think of an outfit I want to wear and realize that it falls off me now, but then I think about how where I am is so much better and so much more healthy.

    I also feel you with the plateau. I've been plateaued at 170 for 6 months after losing 23lbs in my first 3. It's frustrating, but at least I'm not gaining it all back, right?

    Anyways, good job on Wk6D2, I'm onto Wk6D1 tonight. We can do it!

  2. Thank you so much for the comments. I was just overly frustrated. I think I woke up in the foul mood and it just kept going. Today though I am feeling much better and wearing one of my spiffy new shirts.
