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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

W3D2 ~ Complete without the lazy legs

This morning I ran before work. At 6:30 in the morning there is no traffic and it was nice and cool and as an extra bonus none of my neighbors were mowing their lawns. The run went well, the lazy legs didn't seem to kick in. The first half and second half of my route were almost even (100 feet difference). I actually managed to also cover more ground than the W3D1 run. Hopefully W3D1 was just a fluke and I can get back on track.

Last night I did Workout 5 on the Wii active more workouts along with light weights and some crunches. I was kind of pressed for time so I didn't do many sets, however did not just want to skip it all together. The Wii Active seems to be helping me get more loose and really stretch. They have a warm up and a cool down station and even though I have played sports since I could walk, I was never very flexible. I couldn't even touch my toes. The hamstrings have always been extremely tight. So after doing all their little stretches (which honestly isn't that many... however they seem to have a great impact on the hamstrings), I have been able to almost touch my toes. I am guessing this is as close as I have been in who knows how long.

1 comment:

  1. Glad D2 went better for you--sometimes you just have those days where your run doesn't seem to want to feel good.

    I'm going to have to try out a Wii Fit/Active at some point--they sound cool.

    Don't worry, I'll review the Garmin when I get it, I can't wait!
