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Friday, April 30, 2010

W4D1 again ...

So after work last night, the weather had cleared so I set out to conquer W4D1. I was a little nervous, as I typically have more issues with breathing later in the afternoon than I do in the morning. All the grass cutting isn't exactly helping either.

I covered 2.5 miles total. I was slightly disappointed with this. I really wanted to break into the 3 mile range. However I did get held up several times on my run. Kids playing on the sidewalk, cars not stopping at stop signs and yielding to pedestrians, and there was a firetruck along my route... So it was an eventful run, but I was all over the place dodging obstacles. I think now that I am running longer distances (though with some walking involved), I will start to head out of town instead of the sidewalks in town.

The run in and of itself was actually good. My knees started to bother me the last two minutes of the second 5 minute run. However I managed to tolerate it and keep going. Today they are a bit sore but feeling okay. Breathing actually wasn't a huge issue. And I seemed to have settled into a stride length a bit better. The second half of the run and the first half were right at the same distance.

I plan on running again tonight and possibly tomorrow. I need to get back into the swing of working out daily. Not sure if I will do the c25k or just see how far I can run....

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on 2.5 miles!

    If your knees are hurting, I'd check into inserts. Both my PT and the people at the running shoe store told me I overpronate when I walk/run. If you haven't gone and gotten fitted for running shoes, that could be a helpful treat too. That really helped me with my knee pain. :)

    Anyways, keep it up! You're in week 4, you can SO do this! I remember being really nervous about the long run in Week 4, but it's definitely do-able if you set your mind to it. :) keep it up!
