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Monday, May 10, 2010

P90X - Loving it after a day.. hehe

So I did the p90x last night. I decided to start with the classic (however am leaning towards switching to the lean version... explain this more in a bit). Last night was chest/shoulders. I did a lot of pullups and pushups (variations of each). For pullups, they offer a variation with the bands and for now I did that. It was fairly slow going because I was trying to learn the exercises. I have a feeling this first week will be extremely slow going. Some exercises I had to watch twice to get the difference between the previous one. I also can do no where close to the amount they do or at the intensity. I was however pleased with everything I did accomplish. I am mildly sore today. I think the slower pace and lower intensity due to learning everything kept me from overexerting too much. I also have been doing pushups and arm work with light weights. So those muscles have been worked recently.

Now the p90x comes with several dvds. Then they give you workout plans. There is classic, lean, or doubles. The lean version is more cardio, better for fat burning. Typically more women will pick this to tone muscles, slim down, but not "bulk up". The classic, well it is the standard formula, meant for extreme toning. The doubles, from what I can tell is a lot of cardio added to the classic. The problem with this is the length of the workouts. For the most part in classic and lean you will do it for 1 hour a day...6 days a week. Ab days are about 1.5 hours...I think they are 2 or 3 times a week. The doubles could easily hit 2 hours or 2.5 on some days.

Regardless of the program type, there are three phases. They just switch around and rebalance which dvd you do each day.

Now I did the classic last night (actually classic and doubles start the same). However was looking at the lean and realized there is more cardio type stuff to it. So I am thinking of doing the lean, then once complete do the classic. 6 months worth of working out easily. Lets see if I stayed motivated.....

They say most people quit at the 30 day mark. I believe this is when you complete phase 1 of all the programs (would have to double check that to be sure...). I guess some people don't see the results after 30 days and just quit. I read a ton online, it appears results are more prevalent into phase 2. At phase 2, you have done each of the dvds a couple of times, the workout is familiar, you have gained a lil strength, so at this point you can pick up the intensity and really workout. Hence the higher amount of results.

1 comment:

  1. Cool--thanks for the report on it, I really might have to invest in it one of these days...
